HTML5, CSS, and Bootstrap

This HTML page uses bootstrap as specified by the Homework 1 assignment document for CS460: Software Engineering I at Western Oregon University.

HTML Assignment

This is one part of the assignment. For this assignment we are required to make a Github Pages webpage using jekyll and create a HTML file that is uploaded to a class homework repository. This document is for the HTML component of the assignment, you can find the github portion of the assignment at

Homework Assignment Requirements

Write a multi-page, hyperlinked set of web pages on a subject of your choice. The content is irrelevant, it's the HTML and CSS that matters. Here are some specific requirements for your work:

  1. You must use Bootstrap for the layout of all pages and must demonstrate both single column layout and two or more column formatting.
  2. You must have a separate CSS file (e.g. styles.css) in which you write some of your own classes and that you use somewhere.
  3. You'll need a navigation bar or menu that contains links to all your pages
  4. You need to have at least one table
  5. You must have one of each kind of list: ol, ul and dl
  6. All main elements need to be styled consistently: use those defined by Bootstrap or use your own. But please, no obnoxious colors or backgrounds. You should attempt to make a professional and modern looking web page.
  7. You must write all code yourself and may not use a WYSIWYG designer such as Dreamweaver. Good (free) HTML and CSS aware editors include Atom, Brackets, Visual Studio Code, Notepad++ and Textmate (OS X only)

Requirement Implementation

You must use Bootstrap for the layout of all pages and must demonstrate both single column layout and two or more column formatting.
Initially I started by using a stripped down version of Bootstrap 4 Beta but since the documentation was poor I decided to use Bootstrap 3 CDN
You must have a separate CSS file (e.g. styles.css) in which you write some of your own classes and that you use somewhere.
This uses the CSS files from Bootstrap 3 and a custom CSS file named, custom.css.
You'll need a navigation bar or menu that contains links to all your pages
A navigation bar is included on each of the pages.
You must have one of each kind of list: ol, ul and dl
An unordered list is used for the navigation bar, an ordered list is used for the "Homework Assignment Requirements" section. A description list is used for this list of met requirements.
All main elements need to be styled consistently: use those defined by Bootstrap or use your own. But please, no obnoxious colors or backgrounds. You should attempt to make a professional and modern looking web page.
This page uses the default bootstrap themes for most elements with a few custom formatting classes specific for this page.
You must write all code yourself and may not use a WYSIWYG designer such as Dreamweaver. Good (free) HTML and CSS aware editors include Atom, Brackets, Visual Studio Code, Notepad++ and Textmate (OS X only).
The development of these pages I used Notepad++. I did use the tutorials at W3Schools at

Table Requirement

Below is an example of a table. Tables are somewhat superfluous using CSS and especially using Bootstrap's grid model. In this example of a table I'm going to put my current progress on the Inktober 2017 drawing challenges.

Date Challenge Completed
Oct. 1 Swift
Oct. 2 Divided
Oct. 3 Poison